Category: Blog posts

Let’s get real!

Not seeing the improvements in the gym that you would like to see? Or maybe you have been there done that tried the gym and it didn’t work out so good for you? Why? The answer lies within yourself. Hard work. Desire. Commitment. Consistency. Sticking too your goals. Being honest with yourself. Training is not…

Six critical elements to training

Like anything else – when you have been training with weights for a number of years, your training will evolve. Well hopefully it will, particularly if your aim is to continue making changes to your physique in the form of improvement. The first experience of using weights for many people (especially if there is not…

Fruit friend or foe?

From a young age most of us are taught to eat as much fruit as we like. We are told it’s good for us, it’s high in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants – all of which are very good for us. However, often when there’s an upside there can be a downside as well, and fruit…

Is high intensity training right for you?

High intensity training first came about in the 1970’s. The man behind it – Arthur Jones believed that to achieve optimum strength and muscle, workouts should be very brief and intense, stressing intensity over repetitions. For upper body 6-10 repetitions and lower body either 8-12 repetitions or 12-20 repetitions, with just one main set taken…